Clue: (-3 points)
A bell chimes regularly here.
A bell chimes regularly here.
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But you will lose 3 possible points for doing so...
But you will lose 3 possible points for doing so...
Big Picture: (-5 points)
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But you will lose 5 possible points if you do so...
But you will lose 5 possible points if you do so...
Penmon Point and Puffin Island
If you don‘t manage to see a puffin here, then you might see a pod of dolphins passing through the gap between the lighthouse and the island.
Penmon Point and Puffin Island
If you don‘t manage to see a puffin here, then you might see a pod of dolphins passing through the gap between the lighthouse and the island.
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You will lose all 10 points and feel sad and inadequate...
You will lose all 10 points and feel sad and inadequate...
Latitude : 53.312936 | Longitude : -4.040657